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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Summer is Here

Well the HOT is here.  The last 2 days have been burning, the AC is on, the kids have frequented the neighbors pool.  I've been hibernating in the cool.  A few weeks ago I had surgery and although everything went well I caught a nasty infection on one of the incisions that has just about flattened me.  So here I sit...thinking and wishing I could get back on the wagon again.  I've had some time to read some blogs, find some new ones all of which have been inspiring.  They can all be found on my reading list. 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Ready to Thaw!

So the whole month of January and most of February we have had some sort of sick bug and I and READY to get warm and get well.  Hubby has grounded me from running for a bit until we get some important muscles strengthened so I can run with out being disabled with hip pain for a month.  My last run was the end of  2011 and I'm still having pain.  So..onward we march.  Strength training and some cardio is my game for now.  Having faith in my hubby who is in school for personal training that he can get me in a better place and a couple months I'll be ready to run again.  Until then...I gotta do my best and keep focused. 

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Great Spin Class tonight!!!

Our 4th class and it was interval night.  Had fun doing some speed work and hill climbs.  Love mentally going back to the Velodrome race days and the sprints we used to do there. 

I think we are finally on the mend with all the colds and sickness...knocking on wood as I write this!!!  Hope that means more motivation to get back to the gym and back to healthier eating.  Lunch is packed for work and coffee is ready to brew. 

Good night, sleep tight and in the words of Ella...."Don't let the bed bites bite you..."

Sweet Dreams ~~~~~

Monday, January 24, 2011

Ready for some Health

Well, it sure has been a rough few weeks.  Our household has been hit with the sick bugs so our workouts have been few and far between.  Corbin and I have managed to make it to the spin classes once a week but that has been it.  And for me, my healthy eating has been suffering too.  Not sure what's going on but the pizza and chocolate have been calling my name.  But alas, never fear, we will get back on track.  Corbin has been hanging tough and walking the line for us both.  In the meantime, I will focus on getting back to being fit again!!!  Happy Winter.  In other news....we are expecting a foot of snow tomorrow night....hmmmm. 

Friday, January 7, 2011

Back on track

The holidays are over and we are back on track in this house.  Spinning class every Thursday night for an hour is new to the workout schedule.  Our first one was this past Thursday, it was awesome and hard and my bones in my butt are bit sore.  Back to eating well again too.  Tonight was grilled chicken, arugula and lettuce citrus salad, asparagus, mushrooms and sweet potato...yum.  The best part is the kiddos love to eat this...well most of the time.  Sweet tooth Ella...well she liked the "sand" (aka brown sugar) on her potatoes better than anything else.  Aidan..he gobbled it all down except sweet potato!!

Here's to keeping up the momentum!!!